The Catalyst
Sat, 05/16/2020 - 01:00
May 16, 2020
Jonah Berger
This one was sort of a cross between Never Split the Difference and Thinking Fast and Slow, without being as good as either of those books.
Nevertheless, this wasn't awful by any means. Berger breaks down the actions of a change catalyst through what he calls the REDUCE framework.
- Reactance - when pushed, people will push back. When trying to persuade change, encourage people by giving them the space to convince themselves.
- Endowment - The classic Endowment Effect[1]. Catalysts counter this by surfacing the costs of inaction and by showing people that inaction has a cost.
- Distance - People can't be pushed too far, find their Zone of Acceptance and work within it.
- Uncertainty - Uncertainty is the enemy of change, lower the barrier to entry by introducing a freemium model, for example.
- Corroborating Evidence - Use as many sources as you can to further prove your point
Worth a read if you enjoyed the books I mentioned previously, but there's nothing life-changing to learn here.
Kahneman, D., Knetsch, J.L., Thaler, R.H., 1990. Experimental Tests of the Endowment Effect and the Coase Theorem. Journal of Political Economy 98, 1325–1348. ↩︎
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