The Premonition

The Premonition Sat, 12/04/2021 - 00:00 December 4, 2021 Michael Lewis

I'm generally a fan of Michael Lewis, as my reading recommendations can attest to. This however, felt like a miss. A little unfinished, a little rushed to the press for the story to remain relevant.

The Premonition is an interesting look into the Covid response in the US, from experts in the field, showing the extent some individuals went to bring clarity and solutions to fight the pandemic.

The greatest trick the CDC ever pulled was convincing the world containment wasn’t possible,” she said. “Our dignity was lost in not even trying to contain it.

We're still living through the pandemic, so it feels too early to really do a post-mortem on the Covid respond. It's fair to see it could, and should, have been a lot better. The Premonition shows us how things started to go wrong and what few things went right.

I'd love to read an updated version of this in a few years, but I wouldn't recommend this book in its current state.

A Pandemic Story
Michael Lewis
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